A stealth puzzle game that lets you rewire its levels to trick people.

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Tom Francis

Character/Level Art

John Roberts

Background Art

Fabian van Dommelen

Mission Music

Ryan Ike

Title Music

John Robert Matz

Menu Music

Francisco Cerda


By Tom Francis. Uses Adaptive Images by Matt Wilcox.

Listening To Your Sound Effects For Gunpoint

I asked if people wanted to make the sound effect for when you switch into Crosslink mode in Gunpoint, the view from which you can rewire how everything works. People did! Thanks, those people! I’ve made a video of me listening to some of your sounds, and reacting with a mixture of delight, horror and confusion.

Sorry that this isn’t all of them, by a long shot – they came in faster than I could keep up with, and I had to trim this video to stop it getting ridiculously long. If I end up using any of the ones that aren’t shown in this video, I’ll put them up here too.

More ,


This was both interestingly informative about your game design thoughts, and weirdly charming. Good job, Tom!

Also, I say you should take a super long sound, and just freeze the player until it’s done switching. Crosslink is important, DAMN IT! Respect it!

Tom Francis:

Haha. Thanks, troll game designer!


It should be the cycling noise from a particularly nasty BSOD. Or maybe a messenger noise.

Keep the player on THON toes.

Tom Francis:


Skyrim has me wondering if it should be a Dragon Shout. REE-WIR-STUF!

Jon Ginn:

Some of those were excellent. I liked the bit where you tried to pronounce my name. I really like the sound at 9:40ish.

Jason L:

I could have sworn that that Qwantz was a rerun. I actually looked down the page: “Isn’t this comic from ’09? I’m not sure I’ve seen Qwantz rerun before, is Ryan out of town or something?” Vivid, completely fake memory I guess.

It was doubly funny because I’d recently taken another swing through that world, and had been considering for the past few weeks actually taking the plunge in places where an explanation could be sigged. I back ‘en’; ‘thon’ and ‘co’ are both enormously fun to say, but too phonetically heavy and terminal. ‘En’ and ‘ens’ are cognate to ‘one’, drop into the same slots as most dialects’ casual ”e’, ”is’ and ”er’, and conform to the a/an spec. I think it’s important to maintain the conceptual link to physical speech, even if the greatest spur is the rise of pseudonymous interpersonal text.

Patrick H. Lauke:

Once *in* cross-link mode, will there be a nice looping warm deep comforting electronic humming, maybe with a tad of static over it?


Is it too late to send you a sound?


It’s nice to have more Gunpoint content :) Watching while I eat my tea.

Mark Danks:

Only when watching a video like this do you realise how infrequently people blink when using computers.


Woohoo glad you liked the arctem remix. I really thought Geoff Core’s one was very satisfying. Also Skyrim.

Jen Strangeways:

I genuinely lol’d at your reactions during this.

Tom Francis:

Haha. Glad it entertained.

Patrick: Not gonna go looking for one, since it could do as much harm as good.

Iddan: Nope.


I waited the entire video to see how you liked my sounds. Which I think are pretty good.


Here they are again in case you missed them:

Tom Francis:

Sorry dude, I got over a hundred and I didn’t think the world could bear an hour long video of my face.

These are good – the first one, with reduced attack time, would work well.


Glad you like it, it’s my favorite too. I think the attack time is just right, but you’re obviously free to play with it as you’d like.

What name?:

That was more entertaining than it had any right to be. I watched your face for eleven minutes. WTF?



why didnt you send me the alpha ?.

Tom Francis:

Hi noam. There hasn’t been another round of testing since you e-mailed me – you’ll be included when there is.

I don’t send out older builds because I can’t use the feedback if the game’s changed a lot since then.


allright its just im so exitet i cant wait for it have a good day its 6 am here



Some of those sounds were great, some were… horrible. In case you haven’t picked one yet, here’s my submission – you mentioned how it was meant to be short for a step change into the mode and how it was meant to be a comforting mode for the spy so I went for a short heartbeat-in-the-womb kind of deal, let me know what you think :-)

James L:

One thing that comes to mind is the sound in dead space when you open the RIG


Loved the video, stumbled upon the game while watching videos on YT.

Watched the gameplay and can’t wait till you release!

Seems like switching to crosslink will happen a lot, and something short but “techy” is what you’re looking for, so thought I’d try my hand at a couple sounds:

higher pitch, softer:

slightly lower pitch, harder:


Don’t know if you got my submission via twitter, but here it is again. I didn’t hear one quite like it so I figured I’d send it once more.


Maybe you can add more than one crosslink sound in the game, so the player can choose which sound they want to play when they activate crosslink. Maybe make them unlockable or something?



Karl Kenneth Laholt Pendragon-King:

My noise thing for start up and If your wondering that is my real full name… Blame my day XD


Don’t know if it has been suggested, but I think it should be the sound of a 56k modem connecting to the internet.


this is cool thanks


OS X :( always dusted out

Papa Dow:

I found this review link on You Tube and it’s definitely worth watching!
I think you should put up more game play and review vids. Yeah your game does not cost much but in this economy where every game maker is competing for our money it would be worth while. The more exposure you get the more copies you’ll have a chance to sell. As I watched this review it definitely got my interest. I had not even heard of it before this.